Sunday, March 24, 2013

Becoming a better Artist

 I an humbled every day I strive to reach greatness. I realize wanting something is not enough, when you reach the point where your willing to break down and cry, punch a wall, or quit, from the frustration of desire beaten by failure you will understand my current status. I set a standard for myself, which everyday I fail to achieve, and maybe I will never achieve it. Being slapped by failure everyday has shown me one thing, that life is not about how many times you fail, its about how many times you pick yourself back up and keep going. That's it. I used to become very angry or sad when I would wake up and realize I still have not achieved the level of greatness in my work I have set out to achieve. But this journey we are on as animators is lifelong. I will forever be a student of this field.

I have also learned to stop looking back and harping on the past. Whats done is done, and there not a damn thing I can do about it. So what the point spending precious time thinking about it. That only slows down the mission of today. For me, now each day is the start of the rest of my life, each day I take as an opportunity to achieve the greatness I couldn't achieve yesterday, because guess what buddy, I WILL break this trend.

Move Forward.

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